High-Risk Arrest Control Training at 2012 NGCRC Gang Conference

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08 February 2012

For NGCRC Conference Information & Registration, visit: www.ngcrc.com/2012.conference.html

Controlled F.O.R.C.E. National Instructor Toby Flaget will be providing High-Risk Arrest Control Training at the 2012 NGCRC 15th International Gang Specialist Training Conference. The Gang Training Event will be held on July 23-25, 2012 at the Westin Michigan Avenue Hotel in Chicago, IL.

Instructor Flaget will be teaching the "Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Mechanical Advantage Subject Control Intro Course" to provide a foundation of skills for controlling a non-compliant subject utilizing body positioning, movement, momentum, and joint manipulation.

About the Training Session

The national average for in-service training of hand-to-hand subject control and defensive tactics for police and correctional officers is approximately 4-8 hours per year. However, police and correctional officers go “hands-on” with suspects and inmates on a daily basis. Controlled F.O.R.C.E. gives officers a system of controlled defense that builds confidence to engage non-compliant suspects in a manner that reduces liability.

Since officers are allowed so little time to develop subject control skills, which are a perishable skills set, officers must have access to a system of training that can be practiced in short intervals (such as roll call). The Controlled F.O.R.C.E. “building block” methodology allows for high repetitions in training because each new technique reverts back to previously developed skills, resulting in high retention rates during high-stress situations.

Upon completion of this course, the attendee will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of body positioning for engaging a non-compliant suspect.

Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of Mechanical Advantage, including leverage, joint manipulation, movement, and momentum.

Demonstrate a knowledge of and ability to perform the five Mechanical Advantage Control Holds.

Officers attending this session will be eligible for free Continuing Educational Units (CEUs). Session credits can apply to:

Officer Safety Skills and Dealing With Gangs

Corrections Gang/STG Intellingence

Dealing With Gangs in Juvenile Correctional Facilities.

The training is based on five Mechanical Advantage Control Holds™ (M.A.C.H.) that use a subject’s resistance against him/herself. The 2-hour course covers the following categories: Mechanical Advantage Control Holds™ (M.A.C.H.); M.A.C.H. Takedowns & Handcuff Positioning; and M.A.C.H. Team Arrest Tactics.

The skills developed through this course will improve the officer’s ability to control the non-compliant operating environment and will enhance the officer’s current knowledge base (including PPCT and Taser). The course provides a solid introduction to the full Controlled F.O.R.C.E. program. Attendance in this course is restricted to Law Enforcement Officers only.


According to their website www.ngcrc.com, the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC) has pioneered the field by first of all being producers of gang knowledge, publishing and disseminating useful information recognized at the highest levels of the social scientific community. Additionally, the NGCRC has a long track record of service (1990 to present) to law enforcement and correctional agencies nationwide in the goal of reducing gang violence. The research and intelligence analysis developed by the NGCRC over the years, and published in its scholarly journal, the Journal of Gang Research (now in its 17th year of publication), is of great practical value for gang investigators in law enforcement and STG coordinators in the field of corrections. Gang investigators at all levels of government, here and abroad, as well as gang/STG experts in corrections who attend the NGCRC training conferences have clearly made their views known that the NGCRC training is the best in regard to offering high quality practical choices. Police and corrections experts teach a variety of courses at the NGCRC training conference.

Other Interesting Titles of Sessions You Can Attend Include:

“What You’ve Always Wanted To Know About The Latin Kings Gang: But Didn’t Have an Inside Source For — Live Gang Interview — See It —— And Participate”, moderated by Dr. George Knox and Dorothy Papachristos, NGCRC staff, Chicago, IL.

"Gang Prosecution in Cook County, Illinois”, by Mr. Eric Leafblad, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, Gang Crimes Unit, Chicago, IL; and Mr. Brian R. Holmes, Deputy Supervisor, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, Chicago, IL.

“Street Gang School 2012: Chicago’s Street Gang Violence”, by Glenn Evans, M.S., Gang Specialist, Chicago, IL.

"How To Start a New Faith-Based Gang Prevention/Intervention Program in Your City: Lessons Learned From The Maleness to Manhood Gang Mentoring Initiative”, by Dr. Barry S. McCrary, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL.

"Cartel Wars and Gang Violence”, by Dr. Michael J. Witkowski, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Security Administration, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI.

For NGCRC Conference Information & Registration, visit: www.ngcrc.com/2012.conference.html

Click here for additional information on Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Arrest Control Training.

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