The experienced trainers at Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Working Dogs use modern training techniques to guarantee the dog’s effectiveness at their duty. We offer the following training programs to ensure the success of your department's K9 Unit.
- Police K9 Maintenance Program (Multi-Discipline)
Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Working Dogs also offers Small Team Tactics training for Patrol Officers and SWAT to increase safety and effectiveness when working with and providing back-up to K9 Units.
Police K9 Maintenance Program (Multi-Discipline)
Date: Courses scheduled throughout 2013 (see course flier)
Length: 1-5 Days depending on your department's requirements
Location: Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Proving Grounds / Leland, IL
Course Info: Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Working Dogs is
offering a flexible maintenance program
to fit your departmentʼs needs. On a
routine basis, Officers will have the
opportunity to attend scheduled inservice
maintenance training day.
Officers will have the option to attend all
days, or just pick certain topics that they
need additional help on. Instruction will
be a combination of scenario based
training and general problem solving.
Click Here for Maintenance Program Training Dates and Registration
Monday - Tracking: Rain or shine, instructors will work with you to ensure that your team maintains tracking skills. Scenarios will be presented for the teams to complete. There will be time for instructors to troubleshoot any tracking related problems.
Tuesday - Muzzle Fighting: Instructors will emphasize the importance of training your dog in muzzle fighting, teach you how to get your dog acclimated to the muzzle, and begin to work your dog in muzzle agitation. Handlers must provide a well fitted agitation muzzle.
Wednesday - Detection: Fine tune your detection skills with your K9. Scenarios will be presented in a variety of locations. Officers will also present updates on case law. Upon enrollment, please indicate the odors your dog is trained for.
Thursday - Apprehension and Release: Realistic scenarios will be presented for your team to respond as if it was an emergency call. In addition, instructors will assist in release issues. A variety of locations will be available to test your dogʼs ability to adapt to alternative environments.
Friday - Small Team Tactics with K9 Unit: Safety of your K9 and Officer are paramount when implementing tactical techniques to your regular arrest. Experienced professionals can help you determine the best method to apprehend suspects, but also evaluate the safety procedures in place.
Main Office Phone: 630-365-1700
Training Facility / Kennels: 815-495-DOGS
E-mail: k9@controlledforce.com
Click Here to Download Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Working Dogs Brochure