Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Begins First of Three Training Evolutions for U.S. Army 385th Military Police Battalion

Instructors Catanag (left) and Flaget (right) introduce M.A.C.H. 1-5 techniques


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Members of the U.S. Army 385th Military Police Battalion (MP BN) train in the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Xtreme MP / MAA / Security Forces course at Fort Stewart, GA on 21 September to 9 October, 2009. The five day course, based on the Mechanical Advantage Control Holds™ (M.A.C.H.) system, is designed to address the needs of U.S. Armed Forces units that must also operate in a Law Enforcement capacity.

Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Corporate Instructors Tony Grano, Toby Flaget, and Lorenzo Catanag delivered a realistic, intense POI covering M.A.C.H. Close Range Subject Control (CRSC), Use of Force, Knife Awareness, Ground Defense and Escapes, small unit tactics, team communication, and environment control.

This three week training operation encompasses three evolutions to cycle through as many members of the 385th MP BN as possible. The delivered POI builds on the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. M.A.C.H. based curriculum that is taught at the MP Schoolhouse.

In order to maintain strong relations with their civilian law enforcement counterparts, the 385th MP BN invited officers from nearby Savannah Police Department to participate in training.

Upon completion of the course, each student receives a Controlled F.O.R.C.E. DVD Training Manual that includes written instruction and video demonstration of the M.A.C.H. CRSC content for maintaining perishable skill-sets.

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