Law Enforcement Trainers in Arizona Develop M.A.C.H. Based Non-Lethal Subject Control Instructor Skills

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Instructor Jackson (far right) with class

Dynamic M.A.C.H. Team Arrest Tactic

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Departmental Instructors from various law enforcement agencies in Arizona train in the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Level 1 and 2 Departmental Instructor Course in Maricopa, AZ on 21-24 September 2009. The four day course, based on the Mechanical Advantage Control Holds™ (M.A.C.H.) system, is designed to provide law enforcement officers with highly retainable skills-sets for controlling non-compliant subjects.

Controlled F.O.R.C.E. National Instructor Heath Jackson delivered a realistic, intense POI covering body positioning; M.A.C.H. subject control, takedowns, handcuff positioning, and team tactics (with and without the baton); in-holster and out-of-holster weapon retention and disarms; knife awareness and defense; and ground defense and escapes.

Most of the officers attending the course were there to renew their Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Departmental Instructor Certifications, which provides them with tools to return to their respective agencies and transfer their knowledge to their fellow officers.

Instructor Jackson, who originally taught many of these officers several years ago alongside Executive Director Don Roberts, noticed a strong progression in their knowledge of the program and their ability to teach it.

Says Jackson: “It’s great to see that all of them have been continuing to advance their skills in the M.A.C.H. system. The more these men and women develop their instructor skills, the better the officers at their  departments will become at working together to safely and effectively control a non-compliant situation.”

Upon completion of the course, each student receives a Controlled F.O.R.C.E. DVD Training Manual that includes written instruction and video demonstration of the M.A.C.H. CRSC content for maintaining perishable skill-sets.

Instructor Jackson stresses the importance of getting back to your feet as quick as possible if taken to the ground


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Copyright 2009 Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Inc