Monday, February 7, 2005
Response from Marine Corps Martial Arts
Center of Excellence
These guy's here
know that I am not an open minded person
when it come to different training styles,
so they paid attention when I talked about
Controlled F.O.R.C.E. I then took them into
the Mat Room and showed them an
introduction; WOW!
After I showed LtCol Shusko (Director Marine
Corps Martial Arts Center of Excellence), an
introduction to Controlled/Survival
F.O.R.C.E, he got pretty excited about
it. He is wanting to know when I can get you
out here to run an Instructor Course and
talk about integrating Controlled F.O.R.C.E.
with Marine Corps Martial Arts. He doesn't
care what we have to do to make it
happen......"Just make it happen
Gunny"! Also, after MGySgt Franklin went
through that 12 hour package you and Don ran
in Fort Leonard Wood Missouri, for the
INIWIC Group he couldn't stop talking about
you guys. Let me know what your schedule
is; if I don't get you out here soon, the
Director is going to have my butt.
Please understand, that through our efforts
here in Quantico VA (MCMAP); we are directly
responsible for training and getting our
training out to over 170,000 Marines all
over the world. I know Controlled
F.O.R.C.E. will help us to save the lives of
our Marines. We are looking forward to
have you out here, to assist us in making
our program excel.
Respectfully Submitted
GySgt Steven J.
Chief Trainer
Martial Arts Center of Excellence