DISCOUNT ROOM RATES END NOVEMBER 8TH Reserve your Room Now for the 8th Annual U.S.N.S.T.A. National Training Conference If you plan on attending the 8th Annual U.S.N.S.T.A. Training Conference on December 10-14 at the Rio Las Vegas, you MUST Reserve your room before November 8th for the $65 per night rate.
After November 8th, rooms will be available at Regular Price (Starting at $140 per night). Call 1-888-746-7482 and reference Group Code SRCOFO7 to reserve your room at the U.S.N.S.T.A. Special nightly rate of $65 per room (plus tax). The U.S.N.S.T.A. Special Room Rate applies to December 8 - December 16. Call 630-365-1400 for more information or visit
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