March 21, 2008

Controlled F.O.R.C.E. provides Anti-Terrorism / Force Protection training to our nation’s law enforcement and military personnel. Our development team constantly seeks out new and improved ways to deliver life-saving training to the forces protecting our communities and our nation.

While exploring the virtual gaming world as a potential avenue for delivering our training expertise, we were encouraged by the enthusiasm and friendliness of most of the gamers we met and played with. Unfortunately, we also came across a handful of rogue players using a shocking level of disrespectful and downright mean-spirited “trash talk." Frankly, we found this language insulting.

Instead of just ignoring this behavior and letting a few bad apples ruin it for everyone, our team decided to do something about it.

The virtual gaming world has given Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Instructors a welcome chance to play on-line with friends and reletives. Parents play with their sons and daughters; aunts and uncles play with their nieces and nephews. All get an unique opportunity to connect and spend quality time together that they otherwise wouldn't have.

We have had so many positive experiences with the gaming community we compete against that we felt duty-bound to make it clear to everyone that disrespectful behavior is not acceptable, whether in the virtual world or the real world.

Recognizing a rare opportunity to make a difference, we assembled the C FORCE US Virtual Competition Team. With our crew of world-class trainers, C FORCE US strives to set a positive example for the gaming youth: that you can achieve great things by playing with integrity and respect, and by working together as a team. Everyone on the team respects each other, and even the less experienced players are taken in and helped to better their game on virtual training maps.  

Gamers are responding. Already, hundreds of on-line players are ready to stand for something positive and become a part of the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. cadre.



1. Above all, to have fun

2. To create a more positive and competitive gaming environment

3. To inspire integrity and respect for one’s self and for others

4. To foster leadership skills

5. To explore virtual delivery methods for life saving training

“If we can inspire just one kid to strive to be the best that he or she can be,
our efforts will have been worthwhile. Our goal is to reach thousands.”



C FORCE US. Camaraderie. Leadership. Fun.

Copyright 2008 Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Inc

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