Controlled F.O.R.C.E. has spent
over a decade working to establish a nationally recognized standard of
training that bridges the gap between civilian law enforcement and
correctional sectors and the SOF communities of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Working with such highly acclaimed organizations as the Inter-service
Non-lethal Individual Weapons Instructor Course (INIWIC) instructor
cadre, Controlled F.O.R.C.E. has become the only training provider to
develop a system of training that can be applied with a high rate of
success across the civilian and military spectrum.
As the Department of Defense (DOD)
experts on tactical employment of non-lethal capabilities and skills
sets, the INIWIC instructor cadre have led the way in integrating
Controlled F.O.R.C.E. into CRSC training doctrine. According to a recent
performance review, “Both Tony Grano and Don Roberts with Controlled
F.O.R.C.E. have worked with the INIWIC cadre to produce a succinct CRSC
package that fits into a time and resource constrained Program of
Instruction (POI). Feedback from INIWIC graduates confirm that they are
now able to retain and effectively train their units in short order with
the curriculum provided through INIWIC.”
In order to adjust to the changing
role of the MP in the contemporary operational environment, the U.S.
Army MP School House and the U.S. Marine Corps MP School House at Fort
Leonard Wood both recognized the need to adopt a standardized training
system consistent with the INIWIC program. One MP instructor
participating in the course summarizes the importance of a standardized
training program when he says of the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. system,
“since the moves are the same in all applications, I am not memory
dumping them like in other training where every move is unique unto
Tony Grano provides further context
to the growing need for standardized training when he says: “You've got
Marines and Soldiers all working side by side down range, but they all
train in different tactics and methods. Standardization of training is
key for overall mission success. Other training systems claim they are
establishing a training standard, but they are all talking out of their
asses. Controlled F.O.R.C.E. is the only system that has provided
standardized training across the full military spectrum, including the
Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard." |