Controlled F.O.R.C.E., Inc. joins forces with Tactical Solution Partners, Inc. to deliver world-class Anti-Terrorism / Force Protection Pre-Deployment training to United States Coast Guard Cutter Dallas members

On May 5-16, Tactical Solution Partners, Inc. (TSPI, now Brekford International Corporation) and Controlled F.O.R.C.E. instructor cadre provided cuttermen aboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Dallas with Anti-Terrorism / Force Protection (AT/FP) training at Charleston, SC. This joint training effort was developed to improve the USCGC Dallas’ ability to identify and respond to threats within its operational environment as a multi-mission ship in support of USCG activities worldwide.

The primary mission of the USCGC Dallas is maritime drug interdiction with a focus on reducing drug trafficking in the Caribbean. Within this mission, Dallas finds itself tasked with serving the nation’s interests through Homeland Security, Maritime Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Defense Operations, and Migrant Interdiction.

The objective of the TSPI / Controlled F.O.R.C.E. training initiative was to support this mission by helping Dallas improve its ability to develop and execute an effective AT/FP plan for response in a high threat environment. Instructor cadre consisted of leading AT/FP training experts including a team from TSPI and a team from Controlled F.O.R.C.E. made up of Executive Director Tony Grano and instructors Jim Roncal, Steven Collett, Kevin Rittenhouse, and Chip Schane.

     Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Instructor Cadre       Class Muster    
    Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Instructor Cadre                            Dallas cuttermen muster for training


Controlled F.O.R.C.E. specializes in delivering dynamic, hands-on training utilizing a “building block” methodology. This means that every point of instruction builds on and reinforces all previous points, broadening the operator’s knowledge base while strengthening his or her skills base. Controlled F.O.R.C.E. and TSPI applied this same methodology to the Dallas AT/FP training.

Repelling Waterborne Threats

Waterborne Threats (top pic). AT/FP instruction provided training in techniques to detect and repel swimmers and divers. Detection techniques included the use of sonar, lighting, choke point surveillance, and surface disturbance indications. Repelling techniques included the use of sonar, grenades, waterborne small craft, and noise makers.

Defense against Intruders (middle pic). AT/FP instruction provided training in techniques to defend against and defeat an intruder or intruders when the ship’s front line defenses have been breached. Intruder response covereIsolating the Threatd covert and overt notifications and techniques for alerting members of the intruder(s) on ship. This category of instruction also covered team coordinated tactical movements for isolating and defeating the threat.

Entry Control Point (bottom pic). AT/FP instruction provided training in proper Entry Control Point (ECP) setup and for conducting personnel, vehicles, small boats, and packages. ECP techniques emphasized manpower, positioning, and communications as tools to mitigate threats and respond to attacks.

Entry Point Control / Conducting PersonnelDefense against IED Attack. AT/FP instruction provided training in techniques to identify and respond to IED attacks. This category of instruction was based of the Department of Homeland Security Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents course and was integrated into the Defense against Intruders and ECP training.

Civil Unrest Response. AT/FP instruction provided training in techniques to limit threats to the on-shore area of operation by understanding crowd dynamics and how to quickly and effectively respond to riots and civil unrest with an appropriate level of force. Riot and crowd control response emphasized Defense in Depth zone defense layout to extract threats while maintaining situational control through front line presence.

VIP Protection. AT/FP instruction provided training in techniques to conduct VIP operations. Instruction covered planning, surveillance, and principal movement in a critical environment with an emphasis on close-quarters unarmed defense. Instruction also covered travel pattern analysis and terrorist surveillance detection for VIP operations.

Counter-Surveillance. AT/FP instruction provided training in counter-surveillance and detection measures. Instruction covered technical and physical requirements for collecting useable intelligence for mission support.

AT/FP instruction culminated with training to develop an effective AT/FP plan for operation in a high threat environment. Through assessments of performance of all categories, instructors were able to advise Dallas on the implementation of a comprehensive plan for maintaining environment control.


Civil Unrest Response / Practical Instruction Civil Unrest Response / Scenario-Based Instruction   Defense against IED Attack Entry Point Control / Conducting Vehicles 


Environment control was the common denominator throughout the training. Instructors hit home the point that operators must know what to do when one tactic fails or when new immediate threats present themselves. “It’s not the immediate threat that an operator is dealing with that will get him killed,” explains Instructor Grano, “it’s the unexpected elements within the environment that will. Controlling the environment is critical, and that is what we are here teaching them to do.”

From protecting the ship from attacks by swimmers and small boats, to responding to civil unrest, to identifying and responding to IED, to VIP protection and counter-surveillance, the two week training session armed Dallas members with the skills needed to maintain situational control in a high threat environment and complete their mission.


While Tony Grano and crew were delivering AT/FP training in Charleston, Director Don Roberts delivered a Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Xtreme Training Package for the USCG Pacific Tactical Law Enforcement Team (PAC TACLET) at its homeport in San Diego, CA. PAC TACLET is a multi-mission unit tasked with a variety of Maritime Interdiction Operations, including maritime drug interdiction, combating seaborne smuggling, and alien migration interdiction.

Instructor cadre for the training consisted of team leader Don Roberts and Controlled F.O.R.C.E. instructors Tony Cortina and Michael Johnson. On May 12-16, this team delivered a five-day package covering multiple facets of subject control, with emphasis on team tactics. Just as with the Dallas training, environment control was the common denominator of the PAC TACLET instruction.

The Xtreme Training Package covered all five levels of the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. system utilizing the “building block” methodology in an intense, hands-on scenario-based training. Of the effort put in by the operators, Instructor Roberts was pleased to note that “These hard chargers know what they’re up against out there, and each and every one of them trained to the max all week to prepare themselves for whatever they may encounter.” PAC TACLET members developed skills to work together as a team to respond to threats within their maritime operating environment and complete their mission.

"It’s not the immediate threat that an operator is dealing with that will get him killed,
it’s the unexpected elements within the environment that will."


As its organic instructor resources become exhausted, the USCG must look to private firms for expertise on preparing operators for deployment to high threat environments. Controlled F.O.R.C.E. is honored to be able to provide such expertise to the men and women serving our nation. It was a privilege to work with the quality team at TSPI to deliver the absolute best AT/FP pre-deployment training to those aboard the Dallas. The entire Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Team extends its thanks and best wishes to the members of USCGC Dallas and PAC TACLET for putting themselves in harm’s way in order to maintain a secure homeland.

Instructor Tony Grano
directs the action
Dallas crew members
stand guard
It was a great two weeks of training, but...
...we eventually had to leave.
Controlled F.O.R.C.E.

Phone: 630-365-1700

Copyright 2008 Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Inc