Military Police Battalion Receives Pre-Deployment Training

May 2, 2007 

Arlington Heights, IL -- A Military Police Battalion Protective Service Detail (PSD) here received Close Quarters Subject Control (CQSC) training in an urgent one-day supplemental course.

The PSD Unit originally solicited Controlled F.O.R.C.E. for a full four-day Level 1 & 2 training seminar. Due to the extremely short notice of the solicitation, though, the unit was unable to secure the necessary funding for the full training.

As a show of support, Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Directors Tony Grano and Don Roberts volunteered their time to give the unit a one-day pre-deployment training.

The training introduced the MPs to the Mechanical Advantage Subject Control™ system with specialized high-speed drills and dynamic team tactics.





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