Special Series: U.S. Air Force 27th Special Operations Security Forces Squadron
PART II: Virtual Wednesday Revisited


The objective of the virtual training element was not to replace live training, but to re-establish an understanding of team movements and develop team communication skills. The virtual training element was also designed to facilitate introductions between operators and instructors, and foster camaraderie between them. By building these relationships prior to the live training element, the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. team was able to focus more time on actual teaching and drilling, maximizing face time while minimizing costs.

Instructors Grano and Roberts directed Virtual Team through various tactical entry and room clearing scenarios. RainbowSix Vegas2 was selected as the delivery vehicle for the virtual training because of its similarities to the tactical role of the 27 SOSFS Airmen, and for its realistic environment that mirrored the training environment at MISTIC, where phase two would be conducted the following week.

Airmen developing vital communication skills


Upon conclusion of phase one of the training operation, Grano and Roberts were pleased with the results. “As the day went on, there was a noticeable improvement in communication between team members, which meant they were working more effectively as a team,” noted Roberts. “The objective of phase one was achieved,” added Grano, “now it’s on to the live element to see how well these skills transfer to the real environment.”

There were a couple technical glitches that the team experienced during setup, which were immediately corrected by Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Corporate Team Members Lorenzo Catanag and Kayla Lilly, who were standing by for any such difficulties. Otherwise, phase one went off without a hitch, and set the stage for phase two: five days of hands-on, tactical training with a full-blown MOUT scenario.


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Check out the Air Force Public Affairs article "Kicking doors, taking names"

Copyright 2009 Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Inc