In over 20 years of providing arrest control training to America’s law enforcement personnel, the Controlled F.O.R.C.E. Instructor Cadre and Development Team have heard time and again from police officers that the most dangerous time during the arrest process occurs when the officer attempts to apply handcuffs to a suspect. The moment that the suspect senses that handcuffs are being applied is the critical point where the suspect will most likely aggressively resist the arrest. Operators must be trained that the most important thing they can do to successfully arrest a suspect is to MAINTAIN CONTROL OF THE SUSPECT during the entire process. Handcuffs are not the end means of subject control; nor are they even effective until they have been applied to both hands. In fact, once you apply handcuffs to one hand, you are providing the suspect with a weapon that he can use against you. Once the handcuff is secured to one hand, the suspect has greater leverage over the device than the officer. If the officer does not have optimum control of the suspect, the suspect is in a stronger position to fight free.
To provide the operator with tools for maintaining control of a suspect while allowing maneuverability for applying handcuffs, and to put the operator in position to feel resistance and respond immediately.